Why TulsaDogPoop.com Takes It’s Processes Seriously
Here at TulsaDogPoop.com, we understand the dangers that dog waste can present. Dog waste left in public areas, like your yard, can stick to paws, shoes, feet, wheels, toys, and many other things people handle daily. Waste can hold, carry, and spread potential harmful diseases through contact. There are several diseases, bacteria, viruses and parasites common with dogs that can be transferred to humans. Things like: heartworms, tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, parvo, corona, salmaonellosis, and many more, are some of the most common. Some of these diseases can live in your back yard for years.
TulsaDogPoop.com recognizes that you love your pet, just like we love ours. They are members of your family, but they are a family member that shows love by jumping up on you and licking you, all while tracking waste residue in the house and upon everyone they come in contact with. We all have to keep in mind that even if a dog is healthy, they may be releasing dangerous pathogens in their waste. While the individual dog may have built up immunity to certain pathogens, they still carry them in their waste. Other dogs, members of your family, and anyone else in contact with your yard, whom have not built up a tolerance, could get sick by coming into contact with your dogs waste. TulsaDogPoop.com wants all of our customers and their families to not worry about any of these dangers and takes steps to ensure that your lawn is free of waste and remains a fun, clean and safe place for your family to enjoy. How TulsaDogPoop.com Ensures Safe Lawns
TulsaDogPoop.com recognizes that unlike many other scoopers, who use a bleach-based spray, we want to ensure that we not only clean and sanitize, but disinfect everything we come in contact with. We use a broad-spectrum veridical, bactericidal, and fungicidal disinfectant that is formulated to be safe around pets. The product works rapidly and is effective on 99.99% of all pathogens. The multi-action formula attacks key structures within the microorganisms to provide control of canine parvovirus, rabies, foot and mouth disease, and much more in one step. It also has a superior surfactant action that allows for maximum penetration of dried, crusted debris, so it does not matter what condition the waste in your yard, the spray will be able to protect against all bacteria and germs.
You can be assured that when TulsaDogPoop.com comes to your lawn, we have treated all of our clothing, equipment, and accessories. We come to your yard, sanitized and disinfected, so that we can pick up and remove all dog waste from your yard without spreading anything from any other yards. We start by disinfecting our shoes and tools, and thoroughly survey your yard for pet waste using a proven search pattern. We collect all the waste in a plastic bag. We take all of the waste away with us and dispose of it properly for you at no additional charge. With our service you can take comfort that we are stepping safely through your yard so you don't have to! |
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